​Homeopathy and integrative medicine for AUTISM, VACCINE INJURY and PANDAS. Licensed, registered homeopath since 2003
"I am thankful EVERY DAY that I decided to book an appointment with you Catriona! You were probably the 6th or 7th Homeopath that I had consulted with for him and the ONLY one who has made a difference! I am SO extremely grateful for your guidance :-)" A., USA
"My mother cant believe how much he has changed since she saw him three months ago. He's calm, he listens, understands if we say not to do something, gives her big hugs, takes her to his room and initiates play. Thankyou Catriona!" A., Ireland
"We're only a week in and he just drew this. He's never done this before, never!" J, UK

"He has been engaging us with play and requests! It has been so much fun to see him grow. He is no longer spaced out either" G., USA
"I want to take the opportunity to share and thank you for the progress I have seen with your treatment, before starting it I had about two months with tantrums, with PANS flares, with a lot of resistance to change ... we are seeing advances, much more awareness, answering some questions, improvement in communication, more eye contact, so far without tantrums, the PANS flares have gone away for the time being, and less obsessions."D. USA
"My son has improved so much after starting homeopathy with Catriona. His aggression is far and few nowadays. His tantrums are short lived and I shed happy tears when see him bond with his little brother instead of constantly hitting him. I can go on and on about his change in personality. He is much calmer, able to reason and his OCD is much better also and he continues to improve everyday. Even his teachers have noticed the change. I am grateful to God for putting Catriona in our path to recovery. My faith in homeopathy is restored now after seeing several homeopaths with no gains." P., USA
Hi Catriona,
Got this email from Arzan’s teacher this morning.. we are so happy. We believe homeopathy has been pivotal in his progress, Alhamdulillah
Good morning. I wanted to inform you that Arzan was chosen as star student for this week. I think that he has made great progress on his behavior, asking questions, and truing to follow directions given to him. He love reading Nate the Great Mystery books daily. I gave him the poster to take home to decorate, but he did not want it. If you would like me to put it in his binder, and you can help him work on it this week and turn it in when completed please let me know. Thank you