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aluminium autism asd pandas

Homeopathy can successfully detox aluminium and because it ONLY targets the metals we want to target it does not reduce the essential minerals that can happen with some other forms of chelation therapy.

The link between autism and aluminium was explored by Professor Chris Exley of Keele University in a study that shows that aluminium can be a causative agent in ASD. Brain tissue from 5 donor patients who had died with a diagnosis of autism were examined and found to have an extraordinarily high amount of aluminium, in one case more than ten times the typical amount. But the location of the aluminium was even more of a feature of the study; it was located in non-neuronal and intracellular.....There was clear evidence of pro-inflammatory cells loaded with aluminium entering the brain via the meningeal barrier. And the nature and position of the aluminium in the brain provides a suggestion that this aluminium is due to vaccines "The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminium is entering the brain in ASD via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminium in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminium adjuvants."

The fact that aluminium in the brain adds to inflammation could point to why people with asd or PANDAS are so prone to inflammatory flares. As well as other factors, aluminium (and perhaps some other metals) can add to inflammation which is associated with inflammatory flares and loss of brain function. And clearly, to reduce inflammation we need to detox aluminium and minimise further aluminium coming into the body.

Common sources of aluminium are;


Baking foil and cookware (much worse if using acid food eg fruit)

Baking powder

Antacid indigestion remedies

Cosmetics, including face cream, hair dye, deodorant (check labels)

Please click here to book a free skype to discuss how homeopathy can safely detox toxic metals including aluminium BOOK HERE

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