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How to help your autistic or PANDAS child through their OCD behaviours


Obsessive habits and rituals can be one of the sub types of behaviour common to both PANDAS and autism. With a child who has PANDAS this could be something that they only suffer from from time to time but that might have a sudden onset. For a child with autism the ritualistic behaviour can be ongoing for some time. In both cases, trying to intervene, change the habits, change routine can increase the level of anxiety and cause worse behaviour, tantrums, disorientation or similar. It is thought that changes in the physiology of some areas of the brain can cause OCD, in particular the basal ganglia. Increased brain inflammation (perhaps during pollen season or during a fever) can aggravate this.

How would one help such behaviour? In a verbal child talking therapy can help but we have many autistic children with OCD who cannot speak so we need to look at biomedical support.

Using homeopathy we can alleviate matters in many ways;

Firstly, we can reduce brain inflammation using homeopathic anti inflammatory remedies.

Secondly, we can support the basal ganglia using specific homeopathic remedies corresponding to this part of the body.

If PANDAS is suspected we can reduce the activity of the strep disease (the "S" in PANDAS).

If pollen allergies are contributing we can treat fo hayfever.

Lastly but perhaps most importantly we can use the corresponding homeopathic remedy that matches the behaviour of the child to reduce those behaviours and associated anxiety. One child I treated recently with OCD would get very upset when the routine deviated in the slightest, if their mother's car took a slightly different route, if there was any stoppage at all, they would scream the car down, even if it was just a red light! Play would involve elaborate set routes and routines. Any interruption to the imagined correct route, to the expected play routine would result in extreme behaviour and upset. A few doses of the indicated homeopathic remedy and they are calmer and clearer and able to cope easily with changes in routine. To book a free 15 minute skype to discuss how I can help with your child's OCD, PANDAS or Autism please click here.

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