Melatonin is the body's own hormone that regulates our sleep cycle. But many of our asd kids just dont have enough melatonin to stay asleep through the night! ..... Because sometimes people with autism cant absorb the nutrients needed to produce melatonin without extra help....
Crucial to the low melatonin production is b12. Some autistic children, and adults, cannot absorb b12 whether through supplements or diet....this can be supported however using homeopathic b12 and homeopathic b12 transporters.........
One mother of a six year old patient I am treating says “From time to time he would wake up around midnight for an hour or so, but now he sleeps through with the help of your remedies”.
There are lots of other nutrients required for melatonin as well as b12....Some people use a combination of vitamin and mineral supplements to assist the body in producing its own melatonin although ultimately nutrients are safest and best absorbed with diet.
Lets start with magnesium. Some natural ways to help magnesium in the body are magnesium baths, epsom salt baths, dark leafy green veg, seeds......(I like to give tahini made from sesame seeds near bedtime) But if the other nutrients on the melatonin pathway are missing then magnesium will not work for long......calcium is also needed in the correct and safe ratio to assist magnesium absorption .....again sesame seeds are a great easy source of calcium.Tryptophan is also required to make melatonin and it is great at inducing sleep. It is found naturally in a mothers milk to help the baby fall asleep but it is also in bananas, another favourite bedtime snack. B5 (mushrooms, sunflower seeds), B6 (sunflower seeds, pistachio nuts)...lots of B vitamins are needed too! .......However, because of absorption issues in some people with autism the crucial nutrient may be b12. Even with the correct diet some of our kids can not absorb b12 easily, which is essential to the melatonin pathway.So as well as all the nutrients listed above you may need to look at how to assist b12 absorption through more than just diet and thereby increase melatonin production. This can be done a number of ways and one option is using homeopathic remedies. PLEASE CONTACT ME IF YOU WOULD LIKE A FREE 15 MINUTE SKYPE TO DISCUSS HOW I CAN HELP YOUR KIDS TO SLEEP THROUGH BOOK NOW