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Oxytocin; the homeopathic love drug for autism

One of the things parents notice first if they suspect their young child or baby may have autism is a lack of eye contact. Even before talking, how your child connects and interacts can show that they may need help to interact with others. One such case came to me recently, the child was still undergoing a diagnosis but had little interest in others or even the mother. Even though this girl was pre talking age the lack of eye contact was a big concern. When I asked about the history the mother described a child who refused to suckle and rejected the mother. A single dose of lac humanum homeopathic remedy and the child had much increased eye contact and started to babble small words. Very young children can respond so quickly to the right remedy! In a similar situation an older toddler visited, this time with a diagnosis of autism and little interest in others, whose mother had had a traumatic caeserian birth with no opportunity for skin to skin contact afterwards. After a four week programme of homeopathic oxytocin (oxytocin is the hormone the body uses to create the feeling of bonding between mother and baby) the child changed dramatically, becoming much more able to tolerate touch, and started to hold hands, hug and seek the attention of adults. TO BOOK FREE 15 MINUTE SKYPE CLICK LINK BELOW.

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