My first remedy to think of for adhd or asd would have to be Kali Phos tissue salts. I see it in anxious patients. I see it in hyperactive patients. I see it in the young. I see it in the elderly.
There are 12 tissue salts by Scheussler but the one I see most commonly in practice is the nerve nutrient Kali Phos (potassium phosphate). I dont just see this in asd clients but in clients with general anxiety or high stress lifestyles. In fact, those who have a kali phos deficiency might describe themselves as having "bad nerves" or being on a short fuse, their nerves are on edge.
Mineral deficiencies sometimes apply even more so to those with adhd or asd. It has been shown that many children with autism have poor assimilation of essential minerals, and also poor detoxification of toxic trace minerals.
( https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0946672X16301468 )
So for asd children, as well as a possible poor metabolism of trace and toxic minerals, ongoing stressful situations can wreck havoc with the nervous system........ and some do report that potassium rich foods, eg bananas, sweet potatoes, can help their child to calm down. So one of the little helps to start on your journey may well be potassium phosphate, Kali Phos 6x, the nerve nutrient. I have seen it help many people of all ages to calm down various types of nervous anxiety. As always, please seek professional dosage advice before treating. TO BOOK FREE 15 MINUTE SKYPE CLICK LINK BELOW. https://www.catrionamuirhomeopathy.com/skype